Thiebauth School Ettlingen, Pforzheimer Str 20, 76275 Ettlingen,

Tel 07243 101330, poststelle(at)

School child care at the Thiebauthschule Ettlingen,

Tel 07243 1018923, skb-thi(at)

Information for those starting school in 2024

"Nice that you're here."
We accept each other and treat each other with respectr around. We try to build relationships that enable good learning and work at our school.
Children can learn well when they are allowed to be who they are.
Teachers can work well when they are allowed to be who they are.
Our key objectives arise from this principle:
We know that every child can learn something new. Every child wants something dto learn.
We support the children through learning arrangements that help them develop their independence, social skills and...genetic responsibility move forward.
We maintain and intensify the regular exchange of information with everyone involved in school life.

Seminar teachers (GS) Pforzheim

We are a training school for primary school teachers, Pforzheim seminar:
Traineeship on request

PH Karlsruhe

We are a training school for the Karlsruhe University of Education:

Orientation internship, professionalization internship, other internships on request.

Hector Children's Academy

We are the location school of the Hector Children's Academy in Ettlingen.

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