You will meet these people at the Thiebauth School:
Susanne Wehrle, Rector
Elisabeth Gimbler, deputy principal
Teachers in the 2023/2024 school year
Mrs. Bear
Mr. Bender
Mrs. de Bel
Ms. Duffner
Ms. Enderle
Ms. Gimbler
Mr. Gayer
Ms. Heger-Adam
Ms. Jonatzke
Ms. Junk
Ms. Köhler
Ms. Lumpp
Ms. Pacilio
Ms. Pöschl-Schmidt
Ms. Schirmer
Ms. Seifried
Ms. Senk
Mrs. Wenger
Ms. Wehrle
Ms. Wunschel
Ms. Germer is the good soul in the secretariat! She knows the answer to almost all questions and forwards the inquiries to the school management and staff.
She is also the best band-aid gluer, ice pack dispenser and comforter in the school!
07243 - 101 330
Building supervisor
Mr. Mußler, the man for all cases.
He ensures that everything is repaired, prepared, cleaned and recovered.
Lost property can be picked up from him in the basement or from the lost property locker in the gym.
07243 - 101 330
We all work together to ensure the success of everyday school life in various committees:
A school needs many minds. Here the committees introduce themselves, the school
and thereby ensure good cooperation for the children.
In the General teacher conference
All teachers discuss, plan and discuss once per session
Month all topics that affect everyday school life: development of pedagogical concepts,
Self and external evaluation, planning joint activities, dealing with rules and
Rituals, purchasing teaching and learning materials, planning collaborations,...
In Class conferences
(all teachers in a class) will meet the needs of each individual
Discussed with students and agreed on joint action within the class. This
Conferences are convened when necessary, but at least four times per year.
In Specialist conferences
If the teachers discuss the technical aspects of a subject, they lay down the
grading and decide on purchases for this subject.
The Parents' Advisory Council
represents and supports parents in their concerns
the class or the school management. The parents' council is made up of those elected
Parent representatives from the individual classes together.
Issues are discussed at regular meetings with the school management
planned the school year together.
You can reach the parent representatives via our school office: inquiries will be sent directly
The School conference
is the highest body of the school in which elected representatives of the
Teachers and the parents' council come together. Parents and teachers discuss here
together about the relevant topics and decide on pedagogical concepts
and organizational issues. The topics are discussed in the teaching staff and in the parents' council
“preliminarily discussed”, the opinions, views and considerations are brought together in the school conference and, if necessary, legally acceptable decisions are made.
The Support community
The Thiebauthschule is an important support facility for our school:
It financially supports Pfiffikus-AG's projects.
She takes part in the “Strengthening Children” courses.
It finances new books for the reading room and learning materials for the classrooms
and helps out when financial support is needed (e.g. financing the Slowmobile -
children cook).
She supports us financially and with personnel at parties, celebrations and project days
(starting school ceremony, school festival,...).
It finances further training for teachers and parents.
The school community receives very important support through homework support, which is sponsored by the support group.
In addition, the support group supports financially disadvantaged families in school activities (e.g. school trips).
We are very grateful that there are people who take care of the administration of the support community, who donate and are members. Without this community of solidarity, many of the school's activities would not be possible.
Would you also like to support the Thiebauth School?
Become a member of our support community.
Help with our events, for example by baking a cake for our celebrations or helping with sales.
Support us in the form of an individual donation.
Board of the support group
You can reach the board of the support association via