The Thiebauthschule support community is an important support facility for our school:
She financially supports various topics on project days or our music projects.
It finances the “Making Children Strong” courses.
It finances new books for the reading room and learning materials for the classrooms
and helps out when financial support is needed (e.g. financing the cooking mobile -
children cook).
She supports us financially and with personnel at parties, celebrations and project days (school enrolment, school festival,...).
It finances further training for teachers and parents.
The school community receives very important support through homework support, which is sponsored by the support group.
In addition, the support group supports financially disadvantaged families in school activities (e.g. school trips).
We are very grateful that there are people who take care of the administration of the support community, who donate and are members. Without this community of solidarity, many of the school's activities would not be possible.
Would you also like to support the Thiebauth School?
Become a member of our support community.
Help with our events, for example by baking a cake for our celebrations or helping with sales.
Support us in the form of an individual donation.

Board of the support group
You can reach the board of the support association via


Become a member:

Account details
VOLKSBANK ETTLINGEN / IBAN: DE84 6609 1200 0000 2545 09
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